Posts tagged ‘Storytelling’

  1. The Surface and the Depths: Characters, Character and Stories

    Along with plot, characters are essential elements of stories. Seems straightforward, right?

  2. How (not) to Understand a Story

    When reading and writing stories, it is tempting to use a system to reduce the story to a structure. It’s beguiling, but it is fundamentally problematic. Beware!

  3. Time, Narrative and the Aporetic

    Narrated time changes the structure of the cosmos, making its shape more human

  4. Configuration and Narrative Emplotment

    Configuration is the second moment of mimetic narrative, all about emplotment — about characters, events and the point of a story as a whole, about following the rules and transgressing them too.

  5. Prefiguration and Narrative Competence

    Paul Ricoeur’s mimetic narratology sees three moments in narratives. Mimesis 1, prefiguration, is the first moment, all about our pre-existing experience and our expectations.