Posts tagged ‘Paul Ricoeur’

  1. What is figuration?

    What's in a story?

  2. The Limits of Narrative

    Your story. My Story. Our Story. There’s a story behind everything, it seems. But is it actually a story? The language of narrative and narrative interpretation sometimes gets hijacked or pushed too far and encroaches on the territory of other ways of speaking. There are limits to narrative.

  3. Time, Narrative and the Aporetic

    Narrated time changes the structure of the cosmos, making its shape more human

  4. Paul Ricoeur’s Mimetic Narrativity, in Summary

    Pulling together the threads of Ricoeur’s theory of narrative: prefiguration, configuration, refiguration.

  5. Refiguration, Understanding and Transformation

    Refiguration is the third movement of narrative, the stage in which a story is restored to the real world of action and suffering. It is in the reader that the story reaches its conclusion.

  6. Configuration and Narrative Emplotment

    Configuration is the second moment of mimetic narrative, all about emplotment — about characters, events and the point of a story as a whole, about following the rules and transgressing them too.

  7. Prefiguration and Narrative Competence

    Paul Ricoeur’s mimetic narratology sees three moments in narratives. Mimesis 1, prefiguration, is the first moment, all about our pre-existing experience and our expectations.